15 Hours Hands-on Laparoscopic workshop Canberra

Two-Day  Dry Lab Format  11th & 12th of August 2018


Training in laparoscopy remains a challenge in the gynaecologic environment. Due to increasing time constraints, cost, stress and ethicolegal considerations, the modern operating room is no longer an ideal learning environment. Indeed, laparoscopic surgical training is poorly suited to the historic mentor/trainee model of ‘see one, assist one and do one’ (Stolzenburg et al, 2007). It appears more suited to a paradigm of ‘simulating as many as it takes to be credentialed before doing as many as is necessary to be competent’ (Abbott, 2015). As such, it is recommended that gynaecologist in training should learn conventional laparoscopic techniques and procedures in a simulated environment prior to transferring their gained experience into daily practice and live laparoscopic procedures.

Our hands-on dry lab laparoscopic workshop, therefore, aims to provide gynaecology trainees and residents, fellows and practising physicians an opportunity to learn and/or update their fundamentals of laparoscopic surgery in a consistent, scientifically accepted format.


Our hands-on dry lab laparoscopic workshop utilizes a curriculum with cognitive, psychomotor and procedural components. The course combines didactic lectures with an activity-based curriculum that focuses on the fundamentals of basic and advanced laparoscopic surgical skills.

Course activities will focus on eye-hand coordination, two-handed manoeuvres, surgeon/assistant coordinated manoeuvres and proficiencies in suturing and knotting techniques. The course uses the physical stimulator box trainers with laparoscopic instruments similar to those used in live laparoscopy and also expose participants to the different types of laparoscopic equipment.


  • Ergonomics of Laparoscopy
  • Principles of Electro Surgery
  • Anaesthesia in Laparoscopy
  • Laparoscopic Entry & Suturing Techniques
  • Port Placement & Camera Handling
  • Dry Lab Insertion of Ureteric Catheters
  • Dry Lab Hysteroscopy & Hysterectomy
  • Dry Lab Cystectomy & Oophorectomy
  • Dry Lab Excision of Endometriosis
  • Dry Lab Salpingectomy


  • Day 1: Dry Lab laparoscopy – Basic module
  • Day 2: Dry lab laparoscopy – Advanced module
  • Course dinner included
  • Maximum of 12 participants



  • Dr. Sim Hom Tam
  • Dr. Derek Lok
  • Dr. Uche A Menakaya


  • Trainee Registrars
  • Aspiring OBGYN trainees
  • OBGYN Fellows
  • GPs in private gynaecological assisting


Training Suites, Corporate Offices
National Health Co-op
5 Lawry Place, Macquarie 2614


Please Contact Ms Ashleigh-Brooke

Email: arobertson@nhc.coop

Phone: 02 6178 0402

Registration at 7am prompt


RANZCOG 18 CPD awarded

To register for our August 11th and 12th, 2018 workshop